Monday, September 9, 2019

Critique of published work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critique of published work - Essay Example In certain aspects, the article did a great job helping to fully explain the effects of advertisement positioning, but it left much more to be answered. While it did answer many questions, like whether earlier placement of an advertisement makes it more memorable, and why they are more memorable (primal retention 1). But, the study seemed centered around college students, which although are part of the largest group of television viewers, they arent always the ones who pay the most attention to television advertisements 2. Many advertisements are geared towards teenagers but its generally those in their thirties and forties who make most of the purchases which are advertised on television. Thusly, more studies should be shown how these advertisements effect the main product purchasers, because Im fairly sure that many companies have thought of the overall "man with the money". Also, authentic recordings of actual television shows with commercials already in them, although they might be a loose control 3, they could help to provide a more authentic view of how past approaches have worked. In this way, it could be possible to understand how advertisements wholly effect the entire consumer body, not just a particular group, but Im getting ahead of myself here. We should discuss the research processes used and the idea behind the whole study. The group of scientists used various methods to help research the effects of advertising in television. Basically, they used a simple but effective strategy which mixed the use of two separate lists of fifteen second commercials, and two lists of thirty second commercials. They then brought in various groups of college students to sit through the commercials, and without telling them, asked them to write down all of the brands which they remembered throughout the experiment. This was only the first experiment however. With the second and third,

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